Category Archives: Video Games

The Most Controversial Moment in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League

Warning: Story spoilers ahead for anyone that hasn’t played the game. But it’s honestly very possible angry bros on the internet spoiled it for you already, so read at your own risk.

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Review – Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League

My most anticipated game for years, and oddly one of the most controversial games released recently (at least on my radar), Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League has been out a over a month now. I had early access and got to begin playing the game before regular players – and I am still playing, and loving, the game.

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Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Prop Replica Bat by LeftBrainCo

In my own personal collection, I’ve wanted to start adding more prop replicas to my shelves. And I was lucky to have recently become friends with the incredible LeftBrainCo – a fellow Harley Quinn fan and collector. Not only has he given me insight into the world of buying things from movies, but also shown off his incredible talents in prop making.

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Updated Information on Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League

This week was the first installment of Suicide Squad Insider, in which Rocksteady feeds those of us that have been hungry for an update for some time now. The official release date is February 2nd, 2024 – and it cannot get here soon enough.

So, what exactly did we learn this week?

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