Review – Harley Quinn: Redemption

I may have intentionally taken my sweet time reading this book. Because I think I spent three solid sessions reading, and in those three sessions I had to stop myself or I’d read through the entire book in one sitting. And considering this is the third book in the Harley Quinn trilogy by Rachael Allen from DC Icons, I really did not want this journey to end.

Harley Quinn: Redemption is probably the darkest book in the series, where everything has been building up to the ultimate Harley showdown at the end. But on top of that, this is a massive story of growth for Harley – in understanding who she wants to be (a doctor that helps women, or a vigilante that smashes the baddies in the night), in learning about her own strengths and weaknesses, and coming to terms with them. And, just as important – how her relationships with others throughout this journey shaped her past, present, and future.

I adore this Harley Quinn that Rachael has created. It’s full of a familiar world, a Gotham we can understand, and a Harley that feels true to herself. But it’s absolutely a different take than the classic story. We see who Harleen is, and how she becomes Harley of her own choice, and how that plays out for her future. Don’t worry, I won’t spoil it!

Plus, I had an added bonus for me when I started the book – a character named after me:

Run to your nearest bookstore and grab Harley Quinn: Redemption – or the whole series, if you haven’t read it yet. This series is treasured by a lot of fans, and for good reason.

Or, order it on Amazon.

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